Ahmedabad International School 2020

Intrepid travel: interviewing author Dan Morrison and Rhea Saran of Conde Naste Traveller as part of the Bangalore Literature Festival

Bookaroo litfest

Bangalore Poetry Festival

Breaking Barriers 2018

Dogears bookshop, Goa workshop

Femina feature 2017

Kala Ghoda litfest, Mumbai

Kitaabo Jodhpur

Kitaabo litfest Jodhpur, 2018

Kitaabo workshop

Launch of Down in the Garden

Launch of Humanimals 2018

Launch of kovai sketches, Coimbatore

Launch of Moon and Sun at Kaleido by Klay Schools

Launch of My Book of Me

Mango Litfest Surat

Mysore litfest launch of Whacky Spooky Fabulous

Neighbourhood project 2017 media

Peekabook Litfest 2017

Sheroes event – won the Jury prize

Sri Lankan Chronicles launch

Under the Raintree Festival 2019

Vizag Litfest 2018

Women Writers Fest 2018

Women Innovators in India

Women’s Writers Fest 2018